Who is Booby Bird?
Booby is the CHUMS Mascoot. "The Red-Footed Booby Bird". Join us as we let all his secrets Out of the bag

I'm not penguin, I'm a Booby Bird
I know i look like a penguin, but i'm actually a Booby that can fly and dive into the sea. I'm officially known as a Booby Bird. There's a real photo of me on display at the Omotesando store, so be sure to check it out!

Did you know, the word Booby originates from "Bobo, which means not very smart but cute"....
South American fisherman call us "Bobo (Booby Birds)," which actually originally meant "not very smart but cute" in Spanish. Maybe that's because although we're skilled flyers and swimmers we're not very good at walking on the ground. so we end up getting caught...

Did you know that there are only 3 giant Booby look-a-like mascots that have ever been made in the world!?
That's right, there's actually only 3 giant mascots of the rare Booby Bird in the world. The mascots measure about 60cm in length, and one of these mascots sits quietly in the Omotesando store. Be sure to check it out.

I have zero alertness?!
Lots of my Booby Bird friends used to get caught by Spanish navigators in the 17th Century because of our lack of alertness. We're actually all a really nice bunch, you know....

We're spectacular sea divers!
When we spot our prey, we plunge into the ocean at high speeds, going to depths of more than 10 meters! We can catch flying fish as they skim the water's surface, and we sometimes even dive in at night time when we spot a shoal of squid glowing a bluish-white color under the sea.

Red-footed is rare!?
"Aka Ashi Katsuodori" translates into English as "Red- Footed Booby." With only a limited number of Red-Footed Boobies, we're really rare compared to the Blue- Footed Booby. So, make sure you look out for us.

"Booby" is the same word used in the term booby prize. Did you know that?
In English, "booby" means "not very smart or last place." That's right! "Booby" is the same word that appears in the term "booby prize," an award given in recognition of a last place finish.

So, where do we live?
We live on the Galapagos Islands and along areas of the coastline spanning Ecuador to South Mexico, and we always stay with our buddies in colonies of more than 20 birds. We're a summer bird that migrates to areas of Japan such as the Ogasawara Islands between the months of June and October. Can't wait to catch you in the summer!